Currently Reading and Wearing

books and fashion

There’s a storm raging in Denmark. The perfect excuse to stay indoors the entire day – but no excuse not to dress up a bit. I’m wearing a Miss Patina dress from Top Shop and my second hand Samsøe Samsøe boots from The Good Store in Berlin.

This weekend I’ll be doing almost nothing but reading and thinking about reading. I’m participating in a Google Hangout with Mashable and Emily St. John Mandel, author of Station Eleven, which I’m currently reading. The folks at Mashable were kind enough to send me a free copy to make up for the Hangout with Margaret Atwood that went horribly wrong, and on Tuesday we’ll talk to Emily St. John Mandel about the book. I’m about one third through the book and absolutely adore it. So far it smells like 5 stars.

books and fashion

books and fashion

books and fashion

books and fashion

books and fashion

I’m also ‘reading’ Gillespie and I, i.e. I’m listening to the audio, which is very amusing. I just started it and am curious to see where it goes. A friend gave it to me for my birthday about two years ago. I don’t know why I haven’t started this one sooner.

As usual, I’m way behind on my book reviews … I would really like to review these four books next week, but I don’t think I’ll make it …

currently reading

What are you currently reading?

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8 thoughts on “Currently Reading and Wearing

  1. Stormvejr er læsevejr. Her medførte stormen en ordentlig masse sne også, så ingen internet men masser af læsning og film på dvd-en 🙂
    Jeg elsker dit outfit! Støvletterne især! 🙂
    God søndag til dig 🙂

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