My Week: Sushi Embarrassment

Scheduled post – I’m on my way to London right now 🙂


My week has been more social than usual. I have these rules about not having too many plans during the week – I love having a free schedule after work for reading and blogging. This week, however, was a bit busy. Monday and Friday, Mr. Boyfriend’s cousin stayed with us because he had a conference here in Copenhagen. It was nice having him over – I don’t think I’ve seen him since his wedding last summer. The boys cooked while I worked on some book reviews (I have my duties!). On Monday they made Italian food, and a lovely Indian veggie dish on Tuesday.


On Wednesday, I did something very embarrassing: I was planning a running sushi event for some people at work, and wrote a very jocular e-mail inviting them. I sushi’ed up my name and added a picture of cats dressed up as sushi. And then I sent the e-mail to a client. The horror! The client politely replied that it sounded nice but she thought there might have been a mistake. And please don’t eat the cat. SO embarrassing!

sushi cats

After work I comforted myself with movie night at one of my friend’s. We had take away, a huge amount of snacks and candy, and watched the last 4 episodes of ALIAS. We’ve been watching that show for about 5 years, so it’s quite the end of an era having finally finished the show.

ostepops og kaffe

Thursday was a bank holiday, which I’ve already told you about in another post. In the evening we went to dinner with some of Mr. Boyfriend’s family. Friday I had to go to work again, which was really hard when so many had the day off. When I got home, I was exhausted and went to sleep. I woke up when Mr. Boyfriend got home, we had a bit of dinner and watched two episodes of Mad Men (the last season!).

I spent most of Saturday doing laundry, blogging and packing for my trip to London – a much needed vacation! In the evening, we had dinner with one of my friends, her husband and their two kids.

All in all, it’s been a good week. A bit too social perhaps for an old introvert like me, but I always get extra energy when I know I’m going on vacation a few days later.

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3 thoughts on “My Week: Sushi Embarrassment

  1. Hahaha oj da! Det var ellers en flot invitation synes jeg. Meget kreativ. Håber ikke klienten har bare lidt mere sans for humor og sjov end min klient har 🙂

  2. … jeg mener selvfølgelig ikke at din klient ikke bør have humor. hahaha forbaskede auto-correction. Stryg det der ikke – så det bliver til Håber klienten har bare lidt mere sans for humor og sjov end min klient har 😀

  3. Haha – forstod godt hvad du mente – og kunden havde fin humor! Men blev godt nok flov, da jeg opdagede det 😀

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