Top Shop from Top to Toe

Top shop

On my trip to London last month, I stopped by one of my favorite non-vintage shops: TopShop on Oxford Street. This is an absolute must for me when shopping in London. Yes, there are several TopShops in Copenhagen, but they’re nothing compared to the one on Oxford Street. I always find a billion brilliant things to enrich my wardrobe. On my visit last month, I found the top, skirt and shoes I’m wearing in the pictures here. I hadn’t thought of combining them until the girl at the till asked “Is this an outfit?”. I hadn’t thought about it, but today I decided that yes, it is an outfit. Quite cool, eh?

Top shop

After shooting these pics, Mr. Boyfriend and I went to Riccos for some well-deserved coffee and cake. And, of course, an hour or so of reading. Nice way to spend a lazy Saturday!


There’s a painting of David Bowie at Riccos. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Bowie is my #1 favorite musician, but I just don’t think this painting is any good. They also have a smaller one of Lou Reed, which doesn’t look one bit like him. But I do like this tribute to great musicians.


In a couple of hours, I’m going over to a friend’s place to watch the Eurovision Song Contest. How cool would it be if Denmark won two years in a row!

How about you, are you going to watch Eurovision tonight?

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2 thoughts on “Top Shop from Top to Toe

  1. Thanks dear! And I SO know the feeling of having too many of the same. My weakness is dresses – I literally can’t fit them in my closet!

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