My Favorite Blog: Yours Truly, x

Yours Truly
Yours Truly, x is my absolute favorite blog. I follow a lot of blogs, but I feel this one has a certain something. For one thing, Kerry, the girl behind it all, has a style that very much appeals to me: vintage, retro and cool. She often wears something really special that she found on e-bay and her style is inspired by the 50s and 60s. Her pictures are so adorable I can never get enough of them. There’s always great light and colors in her pictures, as they’re often taken outdoors with great backgrounds.

And I think the background is another reason why I love this blog: Kerry lives in Brighton, a town in England which I love almost as much as I love London. I went to a language school in Brighton when I was 15 and have visited the town a couple of times since then, but now it’s been a while since I last visited, and Kerry’s pictures with the ocean og Brighton Pier in the background take me right back.

Yours Truly

I first encountered Yours Truly, x in September, 2012 when I stumbled upon the amazing look above on Lookbook and I think it was one of my first Looks I LIke. And I also think it’s one of my favorite Looks I Like ever. I just love the retro style and the beautiful colors, which are quite representative for Kerry’s looks in general. You can see my post about the look here: Retro Tennis.

Another thing I like about Yours Truly, x is Kerry’s writing. Her posts are not just pictures (as my posts sometimes are) but also her own words describing what she’s wearing, where she got it from, what it means to her or whatever’s on her mind at the moment. She’s one of the few bloggers I follow where I actually read every single word and not just look at the pictures.

If someone asked my to recommend a blog with great vintage looks, Yours Truly, x would be it!

This is a new concept on my blog, called “My Favorites”. You will eventually be able to see all my favorites in the menu above. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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