What I’m reading and wearing on this rainy Saturday


This morning I enjoyed the luxury of having no plans until tonight. There’s nothing better than taking your time with your coffee and a book. Asides from audio books, I don’t really have to time to read during the week, so actually sitting down with a book has become a symbol of weekends and holidays. This morning I finally got to start the Danish classic Pelle Erobreren / Pelle the Conqueror. A fantastic way to start the day!


I’m wearing a top I got from Top Shop last year, a vintage skirt from Paris, socks with a black bow from Tokyo and shoes from Den Kinesiske Butik. Just as we spotted this green chair and started snapping some photos, it started to rain … and I was hoping for a barbecue tonight *sigh*

vintage top shop

De glemte bøger

Hver måned udvælger jeg en bog, der fortjener ekstra opmærksomhed.

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2 thoughts on “What I’m reading and wearing on this rainy Saturday

  1. Fine, fine, fine billeder. Jeg håber, bogen også er fint læsestof 🙂

  2. Tak – og bogen udgør fremragende læsestof! Meget anderledes end hvad jeg normalt læser.

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