A Parking Lot Oasis


It’s been a beautiful spring day in Copenhagen. It makes it almost unbearable to think that the next days will be grey and cloudy. I’ve gotten used to the gorgeous spring days and wanted to make the most of this day. Today I sported the second-hand cat-print shirt I bought at a flea-market last Saturday. I wore it with two old favourites in my wardrobe: my second-hand Burberry skirt and Lola Ramona brogues.


I really love Copenhagen and all the wonderful oases you can find. This one is just five minutes from my apartment – right next to a parking lot! I really like these contrast in a city.


Speaking of contrasts … now I’ll leave the pretty flowers behind and watch an episode of The Walking Dead before going to sleep. Goodnight out there – GRRR ARRRRG!

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