Today is a very special day: the first day of my Maternity Leave! I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time – going to work every day with a huge belly and back problems is no picnic! But now I have time to rest and do yoga every day, which I hope will help.
Besides that, I plan to fill my days with reading, knitting, blogging, napping and Netflix – basically things I probably won’t have time to do for a long time 😀
Wow, tiden er gået hurtigt. Jeg syntes lige jeg læste om at du ventede dig! :O
Men hvor er du blevet stor og pæn. 🙂
Tak for de søde ord, Michelle – og ja, det er gået virkelig stærkt 🙂
Åh, tillykke med barselstiden <3 Hvor er det altså hjertevarmende at følge med i :')
Enjoy your yoga and having a bit of rest before the baby arrives! How exciting. I wish you all the best xx
Tak, Rikke 🙂
Thank you so much 🙂
Årh, god barselsstart til dig og den lille 😀
– Anne
Glad you have a bit of time to get mentally and physically ready for the “little bookworm”. Wishing you the best. Can’t wait to hear news of the new arrival!