This Time Last Year: Reading and Shoe Shopping

I never seem to blog much in July – don’t ask me why (it’s not as though we’ve had great weather). SO looking back on July last year, was a quick and easy affair, but there were some precious moments worth looking back on. I found a new favorite cafe for reading after work and during the weekends: Underwood Ink on Nørrebro. It’s never crowded and the atmosphere is perfect for bookworms. And they have good wine and food.


I did some amazing bargains at a Lola Ramona sale, where we celebrated their new shop:


The pair with the yellow bow are one of a kind, and you can see me wearing them here.

lola ramona

Some details from a summer outfit (I’ve got a soft spot for white lace and red shoes):

white lace, red shoes

And some more Lola Ramona:

lola ramona

These pictures make me looong for summer 😀

De glemte bøger

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