I’ve got four beautiful new books this October. And I’ve decided to keep my purchase of new books to an absolute minimum from now on, as I don’t know how many books I’ll be able to read once the baby arrives (and I’m running out of shelf space). So from now on the plan is to only buy books if there’s a new book out by one of my favorite authors – or if it’s a book for mini-bookworm. Or if I really really want the book …
Anyway, here are the four books I’ve bought the last month:
The Golem and the Jinni:
One of my friends was listening to this one on audio and highly praised it. I checked it out on Goodreds and discovered that it was already on my to-read list. So of course I ordered it right away.
Every December we play Secret Santa at work, and if you don’t guess your Santa, you own him or her a present. The person I was Secret Santa for didn’t guess me, so she owed me a present. It became Christmas and New Year, and we forgot all about it. At least I did. On my last day at work before maternity leave, there was a present on my desk from her with one of her favorite books and some cookies. And she confessed that she’d avoided me all year because she felt so guilty about the late present 😀
The Graveyard Book:
I bought this one for a Halloween readalong and I’m currently reading it.
Golden Son:
This is the second installment in the Red Rising trilogy, which I’m quite excited about. One of my Goodreads friends said that this one was even better than the first one!
What about you, have you bought any new books that you are excited about? And have you read any of these four books?
Glæææd dig til Shantaram, den er fantastisk!!
The Golem and the Jinni er en skøn bog. Man skal dog være forberedt på, at fortællingen skrider langsomt frem, så man skal være i humør til en smuk, stille og forsigtig historie, når man læser den 🙂
I’ve heard great things about The Graveyard Book, but haven’t read it myself yet! Can’t wait to see what you think about it. I hope you enjoy your new books 🙂
Lipstick and Mocha
Altid dejligt med lidt nye bøger på hylderne:-) Jeg har bare så svært ved at begrænse mig selv, og falder ofte og bøger, som jeg kommer til at købe… hmm må vist snart lære det;-)
God læselyst med de nye bøger!
Det vil jeg gøre 🙂
Det er godt at vide! Glæder mig til den 🙂
Thanks, Carla!
Ja, jeg har også svært ved at begrænse mig! Jeg besluttede mig for ikke at købe flere bøger foreløbig – dagen efter bestilte jeg to bøger 😀
Åh, hvor vil jeg smaddergerne læse “The Golem and the Jinni” snart. Den virker så fin.
Jeg tror heller ikke, at der går lang tid før jeg kaster mig over den.