Under My Tree

There were some lovely presents for me under the tree this year. I got this amazing stack of books:


A cleanser and a body scrub:


A beautiful necklace:


In the Danish book-blog-world, we’ve had this fun Secret Santa game. All participants made a list of books we love and books we’d like to read. I was Secret Santa for Ida at Tanker om Sprog – you can see what I gave her here. My Secret Santa was Kathrine from Bøger på Tværs and she got me this lovely collection of Atwood stories – the perfect present for me! I also got some candy and a beautiful card wishing me a merry Christmas! It’s funny how a perfect stranger can give you a perfect present 🙂


Finally, I have to show you these awesome Ninja Turtles decorations I got for my tree:


We had a fun Christmas Eve yesterday. Now I’m looking forward to a day where I don’t have to do anything but read books, blog and watch Netflix – I’m in desperate need of some time off!

How was your Christmas?

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12 thoughts on “Under My Tree

  1. Ha! I just started The Miniaturist yesterday! So far, I’m liking it quite a bit! Watching the kitten become more and more a part of the household has been the best part of the holiday 🙂

  2. Åh, de Ninja Turtles er geniale!

    Og glæd dig til ‘The Miniaturist’. Den er ikke perfekt, men den er ret god! Og interessant!

  3. Ja, er også helt vil med mine Teenage Mutant Christmas Turtles 😀
    Jeg regner med en anmeldelse af The Miniaturist i januar – har en fælles-læsnings-aftale på Goodreads.

  4. Sounds good, Janey! I’ve heard so many good things about it.
    You’ve got a kitten? So lucky – they’re the best! Mine are about 5 years now, but still act like kittens – esp. the male 😀

  5. Ja, var også helt færdig af grin, da jeg pakkede dem ud! Har en svaghed for Turtle Power 😀

    Ser virkelig frem til The Miniaturist – uden at skrue forventningerne for meget i top 😉

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