So the storm passed and everyone was still pissed

What’s worse than being hungover? Being hungover and having to go to another party.
top shop

Imagine how sorry I felt for myself yesterday. Instead of staying glued to the couch, feeding my hungover with piles of junk food, I had to drag myself to a dinner party where I didn’t know anyone. Being a grownup sucks sometimes. I did, however, welcome the opportunity to dress up and snap some outfit pics. I went for a sixties look with bright colors, a mix of some new stuff, old favorites and a bit of second hand. I was really pleased with the result, but getting good shots was impossible with the weather we had yesterday. That’s why my hair looks like shit in ALL the pictures.

top shop

Dress: Top Shop
Tights: Sneaky Fox
Shoes: Aldo
Purse: Vintage from Twenty


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6 thoughts on “So the storm passed and everyone was still pissed

  1. You look super cute! I love that look on you. Hope the hair of the dog approach worked for your hangover!

  2. I saw your photos on Modcloth and loved them, and I can’t wait to read through your posts. The idea of blending fashion and literature makes me hyperventilate-y. Lovely blog!

  3. Thank you Porcelina! Unfortunately, more alcohol didn’t really help – and it took me two days to get over my double hangover :-/

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thank you so much Amber, that means a lot to hear! I just write about and take pictures of what I love, which happens to be fashion and literature – the perfect combo for me 🙂

    I hope you’ll enjoy visiting my blog and reading about what I wear and read.

  5. Du skriver at du ikke kendte nogen til den fest.
    Havde jeg været der, ville jeg havde gjort meget for at lære dig at kende 🙂
    Dit outfit gør ALT det rigtige for at fremhæve dine skønne kurver – uden at være ‘for meget’.
    Det gør dig sexet – Ikke på den lumre måde; men på den glade sprælske måde.
    På den ene side ka’ man ikke få øjnene fra dig; men på den anden side vil man være trist over at ta’ hjem fra festen uden bare at have lært lidt om dig.
    (Undskyld den meget sene kommentar – har først nu fundet din blog.)

  6. Tak for de søde ord – altid sjovt med kommentarer på en gammel post 😀

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