May I introduce my latest knitting project: a cowl inspired by the one Katniss wore in the Hunger Games movies. It was a birthday present for a friend who, like me, is a huge Hunger Games fan. There are many patterns for Katniss’ cowl, some are pretty weird where you had to add plastic tubes to get the right shape at the neck. But seriously, who wants to wear that? So I found this straightforward free pattern on Red Heart. It’s easy to follow – except towards the end where it’s described how to sew the two pieces together. The instructions made no sense to me, but if you look at the picture instead, you can just guess what to do.
The very beginning:
I used Drops Andes for this project and size 9 needles, so the project moved along nice and fast, which is nice when you’re on a deadline.
Simpelthen smart 🙂
Det er rigtig fedt! Super fedt lavet, jeg er lidt jaloux 😉
Tager du imod bestillinger, hehe.
Det er genialt! Hvor er det flot lavet – og det klæder dig!
Tak, Lene 🙂
Måske en dag langt ude i fremtiden, når Edith er blevet stor 😀
Tak, Rikke 🙂
Oh its gorgeous, your friend is bound to love it!
Hvor er den altså fed! Godt strikket! 😀
I think she did 🙂
Tak Malene 🙂
Knitting baffles me – so I am duly impressed! x
Thanks Porcelina 🙂