Readathon Autumn 2015




Today is the day: bookworms around the world do nothing but read for the next 24 hours. If you listen closely, you can almost hear the pages turning. I’ve been turning pages for a few hours now as I cheated and started reading at 10am during breakfast. I dove straight into Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl’. It was beautifully written, but the story somehow disappointed me. It was like watching an accident in slowmotion without being able to help. And it’s not a story for pregnant, hormonal women. There should be a warning on this book!

Anyway, after a short break on Instagram, I was back to reading. I picked up ‘The Gracekeepers’, loved it almost right away, and then I fell asleep. I’m so ashamed. But I’m back in the game now: Mr. Boyfriend is making me lunch and I’m ready to dive back into Kirsty Logan’s strange sea world. You can follow my progress here on the blog where I’ll update regularly, and on Instagram. Oh, and let me know if you’re participating as well! I’d love to follow your progress!

Now it’s time to take a break and be social. I’ve got a birthday party to attend, but I’ve downloaded Henry James’ Daisy Miller on audio to listen to on the way to and from. I’ll be back later tonight – but will sneak peak on Instagram to see how everyone’s doing. Happy reading out there!

I’m back home now with a belly full of food, candy and birthday cake. I’ve also had some coffee, so hopefully I’ll be able to stay awake a while longer for some more reading. I’m halfway through Daisy Miller on audio, but will now put it aside and continue reading The Gracekeepers.

I’m getting tired now, so I’ve brushed my teeth and have crawled under my sheets with The Gracekeepers. Someone in our building have decided to have a party – the type of party where you not only have very loud music but where the entire party is singing along 😀 So we’ll see how much sleep I’ll get 😉

Spent the morning reading in bed with a cup of tea and later continued in the kitchen over breakfast. I finished ‘The Gracekeepers’ about 30 minutes ago – such a beautiful story. Now I’m back to listening to ‘Daisy Miller’ while knitting – I think I’ll be able to finish it just in time 🙂

The Readathon is over, and I made it through 3 books: ‘The Pearl’, ‘The Gracekeepers’ and ‘Daisy Miller’, a total of 448 pages. David Moody’s ‘Autumn’ will have to wait for another day. I’m quite happy with the result – and most important of all I had a good time 🙂 Now it’s time to check up on some blogs to see how everyone else did – then I’ll hit the movies with Mr. Boyfriend. Here are some pictures from my Readathon:

Coffee and sugar to stay focused:

Reading in bed with a cup of tea this morning:

Vitamins are also important:

Trying to knit while listening to my audio book:

And finally the three finished books:

How did you do, did you have a good Readathon?

De glemte bøger

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28 thoughts on “Readathon Autumn 2015

  1. Haha, en lur er dæleme også farlig. Kæresten valgte her at vi skulle ud og gå en tur lige da klokken havde slået lidt over 14.

  2. Åh, jeg glæder mig til at høre hvad du synes om “Gracekeepers” da jeg udelukkende har hørt godt, og derfor nu har SÅ høje forventninger 🙂

    Rigtig god fornøjelse til fødselsdag, glæder mig til at følge mere med senere!

  3. Det er ingen skam at falde i søvn. Det hører næsten læsedøgnet til, men skønt at du kunne lide ‘The Gracekeepers’.

  4. Dine naboer synger da bare godnatsang for dig! 😀 Jeg håber du får lidt søvn, så du er klar på endnu en dag i morgen (eller senere i dag faktisk)!

  5. Det kan jeg sagtens forstå — det er da også bare rigtig typisk, ikke? Lige sådan i starten. Anyway, bare du kom tilbage til læsningen. Hvad synes du ellers om ‘Daisy Miller’?

  6. Jeg kunne godt lide den – men læste den for mange år siden på uni, og der kunne jeg bedre lide den. Nogle gange gør det bare en stor forskel at blive undervist i en bog.

  7. Hehe – det lykkedes mig at falde i søvn, men vågnede med et sæt, da de endelig slukkede for musikken 😀

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