Currently Reading & Wearing: Summer House Edition

edith & ella shoes

I’ve spent the last week in a summer house with Mr. Boyfriend. The weather was brilliant and we did nothing but read books, take naps and prepare food. I left much of the latter to Mr. Boyfriend, though … But I knitted some cute little things, I’ll show you some other time. I wore my Edith & Ella shoes a lot. They are comfy and pregnant-lady friendly.


As for the books: I made it through Murakami’s Underground, which was a scary read on Tokyo’s gas attack in the 90s. After that I needed something light and entertaining, so the choice naturally fell on John Green’s Paper Towns. I enjoyed it a lot, but it left me longing for a different reading experience, something to shake me world a bit. Enter Edith Wharton! She never disappoints (disregarding Ethan Frome) and this little black Penguin edition made my day. I was heart broken that it was so short – I was ready to dive right into Wharton’s universe for a week or so without coming up for air. But all good things come to an end. Luckily I had Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to lick my wounds. I’ve only read about 20 pages, but it’s very promising! At night, Mr. Boyfriend and I listened to Dracula, which we finished on our last day. Tonight we’ll probably start listening to one of Hemingway’s novels.


I can still squeeze into much of my old summer clothes. This white dress is an old favorite of mine. I have no idea where it’s from, it’s just always been there in my closet. It leaves a lot of space for a giant belly, which has been a good thing lately. I paired it with my somewhat new Banned cardigan which I got at Rockahula and my red Office shoes from London. I’ve got a weakness for light blue compared with bright red.



red shoes

red shoes

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11 thoughts on “Currently Reading & Wearing: Summer House Edition

  1. Jeg læste Dracula for et års tid siden, og syntes det var en lidt blandet oplevelse. Der var dele der var rigtig gode, men også dele der var helt vildt kedelige.

  2. I’m curious about your opinion of ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’! Red, white and baby blue are one of my favorite colourcombinations as well 🙂 It suits you perfectly.

  3. Åh, hvor er du dog yndig i den hvide kjole. En sand sommerdrøm 🙂

    Og så er jeg meget spændt på at høre, hvad du vil synes om ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’. Jeg synes nemlig, den var noget af det fineste i verden.

  4. I´ve got Papertowns and looking forward to reading it – but first… must finish The Last Rain by Janesh Vaidya – super yogi´ish 😉 and Jane Eyre – which you of course have read – you little Bookworm 😉 or not so little anymore – you look great in the white dress.

  5. Yes, it was a good reading week, Carla! I hope you’ll enjoy Paper Towns when you get to it!

  6. Thank you, Literessa! I also adore baby blue and brown together 🙂

    So far I’m enjoying ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’ – I just haven’t had much reading time lately :-/

  7. Tak Rikke – hvide sommerkjoler kan man bare ikke få nok af 🙂

    Og ja, ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’ er virkelig fin! Er spændt på, hvor handlingen fører hen.

  8. I hope you enjoy Jane Eyre! Such a great reading experience! And no, I’m not so little anymore 😀

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