Books and Looks of June


I bought a nice little stack of books this June. I particularly look forward to Pain, Parties, Work, which is about Sylvia Plath and the summer she spent in New York in 1953. This one’s been on my wish list for ages and now it’s finally mine! The Understudy by David Nicholls will probably have to wait for a rainy day. I’ve read two of his novels before: One Day, which was a real tear jerker, and Starter for Ten, which was just hilarious. I was supposed to read Ghostwritten for a group read in July, but unfortunately I won’t be able to make it, as I have about 700 pages left of The Goldfinch. The last book is Peter Pan in this beautiful Puffin Chalk edition. I’ve never read this children’s classic, but I sneak-read the first few pages when it arrived and now I’m REALLY looking forward to it.

Here’s some of what I’ve been wearing in June:


I guess it’s no surprise that I’ve been walking around in Lola Ramonas? For the last month, I’ve practically lived in the shoes in the pic below – they’re just so comfy and they can go with everything.


On one of our more rainy summer days here in Copenhagen, I wore this second hand umbrella top from Marbles Vintage in Amsterdam:


And here’s a new favorite: My yellow statement necklace from Top Shop, which I found in London:


That was the bookish and stylish highlights of my June. For more pics like these, just stop by my Instagram account ( where I regularly post my everyday outfits, my reading moments and random stuff from my life, which doesn’t really fit in here on the blog.

But enough about me, what about you? Have you bought any books the past month? Which one do you look forward to the most? And if you have an Instagram account, feel free post your username in the comment section below – I love finding new accounts 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Books and Looks of June

  1. Åh, jeg vil SÅ gerne selv læse ‘Ghostwritten’. Var jo helt vild med ‘Cloud Atlas’, så vil gerne stifte nærmere bekendtskab med Mitchell 🙂 Og glæd dig, glæd dig, glæd dig til ‘Peter Pan’; ikke alene er historien enormt rørende, den er også uendeligt velskrevet.

  2. Dette bliver min første Mitchell-bog, og glæder mig rigtig meget til den. Overvejer dog at gemme den til efteråret, fordi der er så fine efterårsblade og -nuancer på coveret – ved godt det er fjollet 😀

    Ser meget frem til Peter Pan. De få sider jeg smug-læste var skønt skrevet.

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