Fall Time Cozy Book Tag

I was tagged by Carla from Lipstick and Mocha to do the most adorable book tag ever: the ‘Fall Time Cozy Book Tag’. Autumn is my absolute favorite season, so I’m very excited about it. This tag was created by Sam from Novel and Nonsense. Let’s get started:

Crunchy Leaves!
The world is full of colors. Choose a book that has reds, oranges or yellows on the cover.

David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten and Byatt’s Possession are to me the perfect choices – they even have autumn leaves on the covers. And no, I couldn’t just stick to one book 😉


Cozy Jumper!
It’s finally cold enough to don warm, cozy clothing. What book gives you the warm fuzzies?

The Harry Potter series. Not so much the adventure and excitement. What makes me feel warm inside just thinking about it is the homely feeling of Hogwarts. My favorite thing about Harry Potter is the descriptions of the everyday life at the school. The classes, the homework, the meals, the common rooms where Harry and Ron play chess, visiting Hagrid, getting owl mail. Hogwarts is Harry’s first home, the only place where he feels safe and it’s where his friends are.


Fall Storm!
The wind is howling and the rain is pounding. Choose your favorite book or genre that you like to read on a stormy day.

I’ve got a thing about classics – Victorian novels in particular. And especially if it’s on audio. There’s something about cold and stormy weather where you can stay inside, make a cup of tea, pick up a couple of cats and a knitting project, curl up under a blanket and listen to a classic on audio. Classics often take their time to tell the story and to me this fits perfect with Autumn. And it makes it even better if the classic is narrated by an older woman. It somehow adds to the atmosphere.


Cool Crisp Air!
Who’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

This one is difficult. There are many cool characters, but would I trade places with them? No! And then again … Elizabeth Bennet! She’s smart, lively, brave and pretty. Yes, she has her flaws, but she’s not afraid to admit it, when she’s made a mistake. She follows her heart and has values. And I wouldn’t mind trading places with her, because she shares her bed with Mr. Darcy *sigh*

Hot Apple Cider!
What under-hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

David Moody’s Hater trilogy. It could also be a pretty cool TV-show – perfect for Walking Dead fans.


Coats, Scarves and Mittens!
The weather has turned cold and it’s time to cover up. What’s the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?

Margaret Atwood is my favorite author. I think she’s one of the smartest writers and most talented story tellers ever. But some of her book covers are so embarrassingly tacky. Just take a look at these two:


Pumpkin Spiced Latte!
What’s your favorite Fall Time comfort food or drink?

Definitely tea. I love it when the seasons have just started changing and it’s finally cold enough to make the first pot of tea.


Warm, Cozy Bonfire!
Spread the cozy warmth! Who do you tag?

I tag these three bloggers:

Wondrous Bibliophile
Den Lille Bogblog

I hope you want to join the fun – and it’s totally up to you if you want to respond in Danish or English 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Fall Time Cozy Book Tag

  1. I LOVE Elizabeth Bennet!! <3 and yes, she gets Darcy in the end, so that's yet another great reason to pick her haha 🙂
    Your books are beautiful! Those Harry Potter ones are so incredibly pretty, I need them in my life.

  2. I had a hard time finding the perfect Harry Potter collection – until I saw this collection on Instagram! And it wasn’t even that expensive (comes in both hardback and paperback – I’ve got the paperbacks).

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